Navigate the Sama platform
Updated at October 11th, 2023
Display Shapes
This section of the menu contains helpful tools for adjusting how the image and shapes are displayed
If your workspace has many shapes on it, these three options can be extremely helpful for removing visual clutter while you work. |
View Settings
View settings allow you to personalize how shapes are displayed in the workspace. These settings are just for the workspace and aren't saved with the task when submitted. |
Increases or decreases the opacity of shapes so that you can see less or more of the image behind. 📘 Note Return to the default opacity by clicking the undo button next to the slider. Use case
Point Size
With this tool, you can easily select a pixel size from 1px to 5px. 📘 Note Return to the default points size by clicking the undo button next to the slider. Use case
Intensity allows you to target your intensity color pallets, making it possible to enhance the color pallet for ground reflective objects.
Intensity values represent how “reflective” the surface of an object is. When it is reflective, like a traffic sign, the values will be on the “High spectrum”. When they have low reflectivity, the values will be on the “Low spectrum”.
Click on the view settings menu. You can define the minimum and maximum intensity values you would like your intensity pallet to be applied. You can play with ranges to find the object you are looking for! 📘 Note Return to the default intensity by clicking the undo button next to the slider. Use case
Inside Focus Cuboid
Highlight the colors inside an annotation 📘 Note Use the point size tool to change the point size inside the cuboid
Use case
Cameras and Ground View
This menu section allows you to adjust the camera's view, as well as the ground and route for each annotation. It's your playground for changing how you see things. |
Toggle Route
It's enabled by default when you load the task, it's only activated upon selection. Use case
Toggle Orthographic Camera
Use case
Toggle Ground
Use case
Reset Camera
The “reset camera” tool provides the initial perspective of the point cloud when it was first loaded, based on the sensor location information provided. Use case
Toggle Inspect Mode
Use case
Enhanced Point Cloud
The enhanced point cloud feature allows you to view every single frame on a task. Use this tool to better assess or estimate the true size of the object. 📘 Note Enhanced point cloud can be used with dynamic and static objects Focus radius
Point cloud density
Number of frames accumulated
Other Tools
Keyboard shortcuts
This button displays a pop-up cheat sheet of all the available keyboard shortcuts for easy reference. 👍 Tip Use keyboard shortcuts whenever possible to save time when annotating. Annotators who use keyboard shortcuts for all their repetitive tasks are substantially more efficient than annotators who rely on a mouse. |
Shortcuts list
Functionality |
Key |
Zoom | SCROLL |
Redo | CMD+SHIFT+Z |
Undo | CMD+Z |
Reset camera | 0 |
Orthographic camera | O |
Inspect mode | I |
View all/selcted/none | R |
Change visibility | Y |
Measure tool | M |
Cuboid tool | C |
Edit tool | V |
Select tool | V |
Move shape slowly | SHIFT+W, A, S, D, Q, E |
Move shape | W, A, S, D, Q, E |
Play/Pause | SPACE |
Insert keyframe | K |
Copy last keyframe | SHIFT+K |
Go to previous item | L |
Back five frames | SHIFT+< |
Back one frame | , |
Go to next item | ; |
Forward five frames | SHIFT+> |
Forward one frame | . |
Increase opacity | ] |
Decrease opacity | [ |
Delete shape | DELETE |
Cancel shape | ESC |
Crear selection | ESC |
Multi-select | CMD+LEFT CLICK |
Select all | CMD+A |
Paste shapes | CMD+V |
Copy multiple frames | CMD+SHIFT+C |
Copy selected shapes | CMD+C |
Mouse Coordinates
In the bottom right of the workspace, you can see the X and Y coordinates of your mouse on the image. |
Shape Panel
- Shapes are collapsed by default and expand on selection.
- Each shape item includes a header with the main label and shape number. On expansion, it features each value including a label.
- Groups are divided by different colors allowing them to combine multiple shapes in a more defined manner.
Click on the shape to select |
Click on the arrow to expand attributes |
Click on the double arrow to expand all shape attributes |
Shape Panel Menu
Shape Filters
Use this tool to filter shapes by label
Select All
Use this tool to select all the shapes from the shape panel
Copy Key Frame
Copy the last keyframe. This is going to include all the shape details then you can easily copy and paste this into another keyframe
Use the thumbnail to navigate the 3D scene, change outputs, inspect a shape, and see the navigation updating in 2D and 3D
Focus Timeline
The focus timeline is a horizontal slider control that allows the users to move between frames/images within a video.
Frame Timeline
The frame timeline is a horizontal slider control that tells the user all the important details about an annotation in a specific frame.